Cuddling with Grandpa

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What a Life!

I am spending lots of time playing these days! I love my kobo - an e-reader. I also love all my toys in my craft room and of course, I would "just die" if I didn't have my computer(s). None of these relaxing days would be happening except for my fairy godmother Lesya who spent four hours here today, scrubbing and shining up our home. She is a treasure.
My friend Harriet broke her foot a couple of weeks ago. As her husband works full time. I have been her companion for her doctor appointments.
We had a quite an adventure on Monday. I took her to the cast clinic at the hospital. I got the complimentary wheelchair that sits at the information booth in the rotunda; stuffed Harriet into the seat (without doing too much damage to her poor foot) ; wheeled her into the hospital and then parked my car. After her cast was sawed off, we were told to go across the street where she would be fitted for her walking boot. I, in my infinite wisdom and with no other obvious choice, decided to wheel her over to the Brandon Clinic for her procedure. Bad move! The street was rutted and impossible to traverse with this chair. We got stuck in the middle of the street. Thankfully, a fellow kindly helped us out of the predicament and with his strength pushed Harriet to safety. We were in business again. Down to the basement we decended in the elevator. Whammo - the ramp was steep, too steep for me to be in control of the chair. I had to brake sharply and nearly sent Harrriet flying --- into the brick wall at the base of the ramp!
By now, the silliness had us in paroxisms of laughter. All was well, she got her boot and I took her to the exit at the other end of the building. I walked back to the hospital parking lot, drove over to the clinic and picked up my passenger. Oh dear, I still have the wheel chair to return. Harriet suggested I load it in the car and drive back as I had to retreive her crutches anyway. I pushed and pulled, twisted and turned but the darned thing would not fit. A couple of helpful fellows came over and they pushed and pulled until voila! They succeeded. Back to the hospital we drove; pulled up to the ten minute parking zone and tried to remove the chair from my car. I pulled and pushed, turned and twisted. swore and laughed but it was there to stay. A lovely young Hutterite lady got out of her van to help me. She gave up  and went back to her vehicle.Again, a good samaritan came to our rescue. He struggled for some time before he succeeded. Thank goodness. I don't have a wheelchair living permanently in my back seat!
So to all the friendly Manitobans who helped a couple of antique women, I salute you!
Cheers from Donna

1 comment:

  1. Oh I know the two of you had fun with this adventure! Poor Harriet! I hope she is on the mend by now!
