Cuddling with Grandpa

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby, it is cold outside!

When I opened the drapes this morning, it was to a winter wonderland, but a darned frigid one! There must have been about a foot of fresh snow on the driveway. The pristine white blanket that lay smooth with no tracks marring the surface was very beautiful.  I am afraid, though, that my mind just said Brrr! I chose to stay inside and enjoy the scenery from the warmth  of my home.
It was a quiet day; one I needed to recharge my battery. I read a little, watched some tv  and played on the computer. This evening the neighbours came over for a card game. All in all, it was a nothing day, but a very enjoyable one.
Jim played out in the snow for a while with his snow blower. He is making noises about buying a new machine. I see this purchase on the near horizon. He deserves one as he spends many hours plowing out our driveway as well as those of several neighbours.
My daughter-in-law called about noon to report in. Dave had meetings in Moncton yesterday so the family went on an excursion and got snowed in overnight. They made it home today in time for Dave to head out to work. The snow in the Maritimes is very heavy and wet. It makes wonderful snowmen.
This evening I spoke to Laurie and to Lisa. The communication system has come a long was since I was a girl. We had a "party line". This meant that several families used the same grid. Our call was one long and two short. I remember that my uncle's was two long two short. If there was a community emergency the operator would give a signal of many rings. Everyone would rush to the phone to find out what the problem was. There were no secrets as many of the customers would "rubber' which meant they would listen in to conversations to find out what was happening My mother had this habit finessed. She would grab a cup of coffee and settle down for a good listen.  As we had no TV it was a great pasttime, especially in the winter when we were snowed in. Today, we email, skype or call on the phone whenever we wish. My grandmother once said she was born a hundred years too soon. I think she would really have enjoyed living in todays' techy world.
I am off to read with my e reader. Good night all.
Cheers from Donna

1 comment:

  1. Snort, ringy dingy, two ringy dingy...yep we've come a long way!! Thank goodness (I think gr grandma would have truly enjoyed technology)
