We arrived Saturday am Dublin time. It was the middle of the night to we Canucks. After passing through customs - being in a whellchair is truly an advantage with the red tape crowd - Elaine got our rental car.
It was lovely a very new model, BUT - it was a standard and the shift was on the left side so our driver had to adjust to both driving on the left sidea and shifting that way. This was not easy. So after several starts and stalls, trying to shift into the right gear we jerked our way out onto the road to Raheeny and our B&B.
Well. ten minutes on, we were stopped - dead as a door nail- on the yellow line of course. It is illegal to stop at this spot. There were many honks and unfriendly fingers before a nice gentleman came to help us.
He had a cell phone which he used to call the car rental place.
After a very long wait for assistance, my girls became a little giddy. So they penned a very large SORRY, EH on some paper and Elaine held it up so the traffic could read it. It broght many smiles, laughter and downright bewilderment for some of the folks.
We did arrive safely at our destination and are in a lovely old home where the hostess is most gracious.
We spent two days exploring Dublin and absorbing the history of this very old city.
Tomorrow we head off to Leitrim County where the Dukes lived in the early 1800's.
We will have lots of Dublin tales and pictures to share but we are all very tired tonight and so must say goodnight from Ireland.